A lot of us are going through the motions right now, burnt out and trying to push on without taking a rest. If you're reading this, consider it a full stop to acknowledge that you need a break and should explore a leisure self-care activity to refill. Self-care doesn't have to be as deep as journaling or riding a bike, which requires energy that you might not have. There's so much value in self-care activities that are simply watching a show, listening to a podcast, or sitting still. My recent favorite leisure self-care activity has been watching these YouTubers who impart haircare knowledge, a good laugh, and a sense of community that reminds you you're not alone in this hair journey.
King of edits. I gravitate towards Will's channel when I just need one of those big belly laughs and want to feel slightly attacked. One of his recent videos me called out when he mentioned washday "bath showers"...you know the one.. when you're detangling and your hair starts clogging the drain and you're standing in a puddle. I know, disgusting! but we've all been there. Will has a niche for talking about natural hair in an honest, raw, and hilarious way that's so refreshing. Besides his reactions videos, bottomless collection of memes and bright personality, Will really knows his stuff. I learn a lot about ingredients, methods, and products from watching his videos and always get a good laugh. Also, his style of shaped-up sides and full textured hair is such a perfect combo. Check him out if you have hair and like to laugh!
Chizi Duru
Says what we're all thinking. Chizi's most popular series is her reactions to "4C tiktok" which can get ridiculous and messy to say the least. The recent "trend" of tagging 4c has been a tired clout-chasing strategy for people to claim a kinkier hair texture that has often been ridiculed and marginalized. Chizi has been unafraid to call people out for this. She's also done reaction videos to celebrities' hair routines, follow-along videos and hauls from black-owned fashion brands. Giving range! I love her outlook on life and energy, she's precious and wholesome and it comes through in her videos. In one of her recent videos she reacted to her first YouTube videos and it was so sweet, it's clear she's always been gorgeous, confident and knowledgeable on hair. Go subscribe to her, it's very free!
Deeper Than Hair TV
A professional. A lot of Annagjid's (also known as Kee) videos are filmed right out of her salon so you can watch her process and witness the miracles she pulls off for clients. Anyone can tell Kee loves hair from how she works on her clients so delicately and advises them on how to preserve their hair health. She explains her methods in layman's terms, showing how you can trim your own hair or do an at-home silk press without going to hair school. She is really her to educate the girls in a way that's understanding and kind. I enjoy watching her trims and coloring on client's hair because they're satisfying and I get to learn about how hair should be dealt with properly. Kee's Deeper Than Hair Salon is based in West Philly but if you're not nearby you can purchase some of her accessories and tools on her site, she has everything from serums to satin-lined hoodies. Subscribe to her for Professional hair help.
Arnell Armon
Wig Master. I love watching Arnell's wig videos, even though I've never attempted a wig install myself, I can appreciate the process and artistry. Arnell can finesse any low quality wig to color and style it exactly to the look she's aiming for. You've probably seen her on your feed from recreations of looks by Cardi B, SZA, Doja Cat and more. Arnell also has a twin sister, Alessia and they are very much identical so I may be mixing them up currently but I do know they're both immensely talented and creative. Alessia is also pursuing photography and killing it so check her out too! They film some vlogs and other casual videos together so it's cute to see their dynamic and support for one another. Check Arnell's channel out for Wig inspo.
I truly hope you all consider taking some time out to explore leisure activities and maybe connect with your hair in the process. I promise these YouTubers will inspire you and put a smile on your face. If you have favorite hair YouTubers (or any) that you recommend share it with us on our IG @bu.naturally.